Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions

Avoiding tax pitfalls in M&A, IPO and other capital measure transactions is essential in ensuring the success of the deal-making process.

Taxise Asia LLC (“WTS Taxise”) has deep experience in advising clients on tax issues relating to M&A transactions. We are aware of the issues and trends that CFOs and tax directors should take into account at an early stage of an acquisition or disposal. As part of WTS’ global M&A team from more than 100 countries, we have a team of specialists in any domain that is crucial for success in M&A.

Our professionals have gained their expertise in international law firms and large corporations and are ready to join your transaction team at short notice – for timely, accurate and reliable results. As we exclusively provide tax legal services, regulatory conflicts with auditors can be ruled out from the start.

Our advisory services in public and private M&A include but are not limited to:

  • Buy and Sell Side Due Diligence
  • IPO Structuring and Due Diligence
  • Tax Structuring
  • Management Participation Programs
  • SPA Advice and Review from a Tax Perspective
  • Acquisition Financing and Refinancing
  • Post-Deal Integration and Carve-Out
  • Tax Compliance Requirements
Eugene Lim
Eugene Lim
Founding Principal

“Eugene Lim is the co-founder of WTS Taxise, with a strong reputation for international tax and trade matters. He advises on the tax structuring of investments and transfer pricing.
– Chambers Asia Pacific 2024

“Eugene provides practical advice which can be implemented. He is also willing to work on tight deadlines.”

– Chambers Asia Pacific 2024

“He is professional, friendly and very approachable. Eugene always considers his client’s situation and offers effective solutions.”
– Chambers Asia Pacific 2024

“Eugene Lim is the co-founder of WTS Taxise, with a strong reputation for international tax and trade matters. He advises on the tax structuring of investments and transfer pricing.

– Chambers Asia Pacific 2023

“He demonstrates excellent knowledge and has practical strategies and alternative ideas.”
– Chambers Asia Pacific 2023

“Eugene is a practical, engaging and professional partner. It is great to work with him.”
– Chambers Asia Pacific 2023

Benedict Teow
Benedict Teow


Mei Yeo
Mei Yeo


Get in contact

If you have any questions about WTS Taxise or our global services, please get in touch.
We will respond to you as soon as possible.