Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing

Transfer pricing complexities in Asia Pacific are unique. Mechanical application of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines is not sufficient to deal with a diverse region where most of the jurisdictions are not OECD members. Further, countries range from small jurisdictions to two of the world’s most populous G20 member countries and conditions vary from some jurisdictions who are on the cusp of introducing transfer pricing legislation and others with sophisticated regimes with well-established APA and MAP programs.

Businesses in Asia Pacific are also rapidly evolving with supply chain disrupted by trade tensions and technology start-ups innovating novel business models. Apart from a good command of local issues, tax directors have to keep abreast of the latest changes impacting transfer pricing from the Base Erosion Profit Shifting project, the US tax reform and the new allocation rules proposed by the Task Force for Digital Economy.

What sets us apart:

Our seasoned transfer pricing experts are recognised as thought leaders with extensive experience across a broad spectrum of disciplines and industries. Our forte is in partnering with our clients to leverage our in-house experience, deep technical knowledge and WTS’ globally connected and local rooted network to provide rigorous quality advice and practical solutions.

We help our clients with the following:

  • International Planning 
  • Business Restructuring & Valuation
  • Global Value Chain Optimisation
  • Transfer Pricing Audit Defence & Litigation
  • Competent Authority Matters including Advance Pricing Agreements and Mutual Agreement Procedures
  • Operational Transfer Pricing & Digital Solutions
  • Intangible Property & Cost Sharing Arrangements
  • Master File and Local File Documentation
  • Country-by-Country Reporting
  • Group and Board Level Strategy and Risk Management Frameworks
Cristine Schwarzl
Cristine Schwarzl
Associate Principal

Get in contact

If you have any questions about WTS Taxise or our global services, please get in touch.
We will respond to you as soon as possible.